
Showing posts from February, 2020

Archive re-post - Why is it so easy to get fat?

12 Apr 2013 Why is it so easy to get fat? 1. Aim The purpose of this article is to draw together evidence based research from varying disciplines, to give greater understanding as to why we are facing an obesity epidemic [1] and the issues affecting weight loss. 2. Intended audience The public in general, however, I have attempted to write it for the lowest common denominator who has little to no knowledge on the subject. As such detailed analysis has been omitted to give a global view of the issue. Subsequent articles will look to delve deeper in to areas touched on in this article. If there is a particular area you would like me to discuss in future articles, please visit my Google+ page and send me a request. 3. Introduction The question as to whether or not an obesity epidemic exists is of course, yes. The issue is how big is the problem and why has it happened? The World Health Organisation (WHO) states that in 2008, 35% of the worlds adult population (20+ years) were over

Archive re-post - Core Stability: Science or Hocus Pocus?

21 Jun 2013 Core Stability: Science or Hocus Pocus? 1. Aim To investigate whether core stability should be used in exercise and rehabilitation programs; and if so, how and when should it be used. 2. Intended audience The general public, however, there are some interesting pieces of research here for any trainer or health professional. 3. Introduction These days the public are bombarded with the term core stability. Many different trainers and therapists proclaim that core stability training should be at the heart of any exercise program to help prevent or treat injury. I myself have used various core stability exercises in the rehabilitation of clients with back injuries, as I was taught during my studies. I have also used core strength exercises to self treat my own injuries. However, since then much information has come to light indicating flaws in the core stability concept and whether we should be using it at all. 4. The Concept The basic idea is that within your abdomina

Archive re-post - Healthy Body, Healthy Mind

27 Aug 2013 Healthy Body, Healthy Mind 1.            Aim To introduce research regarding how the body and mind are inextricably linked, focusing on the effects of exercise on brain development in humans. 2.            Intended audience The general public as it has far reaching consequences for us all. Despite an attempt to simplify the content, some understanding of basic biology and the nervous system will help. See terminology below. 3.            Terminology a.            Neural plasticity - ability of the human brain to change as a result of one’s experiences. b.            Neurons - nerves. c.            Neurogenesis - development of nerve tissues. d.            Neurotransmitter - chemical substances which enable the nerve impulses to be passed from one nerve cell to the next. e.            Cognition - the mental process of knowing, including aspects such as awareness, perception, reasoning, and judgment. 4.            Introd

Archive re-post - Injuries In Triathlon

8 Oct 2013 Injuries in Triathlon 1. Aim To review data concerning injuries in Triathlon and investigate what this means for those who take part in the sport. 2. Intended Audience Triathletes, coaches and all those involved in endurance sports. 3. Terminology a. Epidemiology.  The study of patterns and incidence of diseases or disorders. b. Etiology.  The cause, set of causes, or manner of causation of a disease or condition. 4. Introduction There has been a rise in popularity of Triathlon since its beginnings in the 1970's [5]. As such there has been more and more research into the field regarding optimal training programs for the sport. Part of optimal training is avoiding injuries and this requires having an in depth understanding of injuries associated with the sport. This blog will briefly lay out the key findings in this area of research and what it means for Triathletes, both amateur and professional alike. 5. Epidemiology of Triathlete Injuries Out of