
Gregory Hunt-Turok (2012)

Human Movement Training

Movement is simply the physical expression of what is going on in your head. Because your brain and body are inherently linked they must be trained as such and this is what Sanari Fitness is all about. Putting brain and body back in touch through physical activity to improve well being and cognitive function, as well as treat and prevent injuries.

Using a unique model refined over the last 15 years, you will be assessed looking at your history of activity and injury, mobility, stability, strength, balance, proprioception (where your body is in space) and how your brain organises movement.

The tests are physically undemanding but technical, focussing on the quality of the movement and the strategies employed by your brain in physical problem solving.

You will then be rated either:

0 - not proficient
1 - somewhat proficient
2 - proficient

From this an individual profile is formed and the areas that require work are identified, giving you the road map to improve your body and brain.

From here the work begins!


As a fully qualified Sports Rehabilitator, Greg also treats injuries. Bad backs to torn ligaments, post-op and pre-op, he can help. It was through his studies and working with many injured clients that he developed the techniques he now uses.

COMING SOON!  The Sanari Fellowship

Class based curriculum giving you a back bone of fundamental human movements, forming the building blocks of the 5 base human activities; walk, run, climb, wrestle, throw.

You choose what classes you take part in - you are encouraged to try them all - working to become proficient in all 41 movements (23 primary and 18 secondary). Each week you will work through different aspects of the curriculum, with each movement broken down into easy to follow steps.

If you want to get super lean and pump weights, this is not for you. But if you want to feel better, move freely, get rid of niggles, decrease stress, be more productive at work, decrease your risk of injury, understand more about how your body and brain work and feel more grounded, then this is what you will find in the Sanari Fellowship.